Black and white close-up photo of male lion

Who You Are Is More Than What You Do: The Sun, Leo, and the Strength of Presence

In our modern, materialist, capitalist culture, Doing is valued and promoted, while Being is undervalued.  This is an aspect of Patriarchy, since Doing and Being are archetypally masculine and feminine, or yang and yin, respectively.  Leo and the Sun are traditionally interpreted as masculine, but as you may have realized, I am suggesting an alternate interpretation.

looking up at stained glass window with geometric patterns and sections, much like the angles in an astrology chart

Op-Ed: A Reflection on Disability in Astrology

As a psychotherapist, I want to see disability destigmatized, to be recognized as a unique and valuable perspective in society, and for awareness to grow around the language that is used to describe it. As an astrologer, I want to see disability humanized and conceptualized as a multivalent archetype, not merely existing on a list of potential sour transits.

blue and white geometric patterns

Astrology and Psychotherapy, Part 2: Individual Acceptance and Growth

Like other mindful and/or spiritual practices, the goal with astrology is to reduce our resistance to the flow of life. It's not to get rid of pain, or escape and find a life of bliss—but as we make room to witness the unfolding of our lives, suffering is inevitably reduced and a more peaceful sense of security grows.