Black and white close-up photo of male lion

Who You Are Is More Than What You Do: The Sun, Leo, and the Strength of Presence

In our modern, materialist, capitalist culture, Doing is valued and promoted, while Being is undervalued.  This is an aspect of Patriarchy, since Doing and Being are archetypally masculine and feminine, or yang and yin, respectively.  Leo and the Sun are traditionally interpreted as masculine, but as you may have realized, I am suggesting an alternate interpretation.

shame lowered face

“Am I a Good Person?”: When Shame Gets The Upper Hand

"I googled what a sociopath is, and I think I meet a lot of the criteria." I have heard some version of this from several different clients over the years. They are clearly worried, with an air of sadness. Though they may be looking to label what they imagine their damaged or defective character to be, what I hear is the plaintive question, “Am I a good person?” Because in that moment, they are not so sure.